Popular Culture – Smoke & Mirrors
Essays on Theater and the ArtsSun, 31 Oct 2010 19:44:49 +0000en-UShourly1https://wordpress.org/?v=4.4.33Song Recycle
Wed, 08 Jan 2003 03:12:13 +0000http://smokeandmirrors.cityofsmoke.com/?p=64For Pete's sake, why all the fuss about the Baz Luhrmann La Boheme? You'd think that no one had ever thought of updating classical opera before, or casting "realistically" trim and youthful romantic leads. The production, currently at the Broadway Theater, which brings the action forward to the 1950s, opened earlier this month to reviews that ranged from the rhapsodic to the studiously excited. Only Michael Feingold in the Village Voice had the taste and good sense to recognize it for what it is, "a well-meaning and conventional little event."
Actually, it's a reconstituted version of a well-meaning and conventional little Continue reading]]>